Idle Hands - Cover

Idle Hands

eBook - The Factory Trilogy Book 2, The Factory Trilogy

Erschienen am 27.07.2017, Auflage: 1/2017
16,95 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781848668140
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Can Wild Alan unite the Discard against the tyranny of the Pyramid?Idle Hands is an ancient disease that once tore through the Discard, and if Wild Alan doesn't find a way into the Black Pyramid to administer the cure to his son, Billy, it will soon be stalking Gleam once again. Even with Bloody Nora's help, there's only one way in - and that's through the Sump, which was sealed long ago to contain the horrors within.And for Alan, the Black Pyramid will be even more dangerous. Thanks to the disease, the Pyramidders' fear and loathing of the Discard is reaching fever-pitch - and Alan is the most well-known Discarder of all.Bloody Nora has her own agenda. All the information she needs to complete her people's Great Work is hidden in the Pyramid - but just by being there, she is violating a centuries-old treaty between the Pyramid and the Mapmakers, which could spark conflict between the two greatest powers that Gleam knows.'Gleam's combination of dystopia, mythic quest, music and squishy monsters is hugely entertaining' SFX

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